
Most greenhouse growers, if not all, started out by growing herbs, because it’s easy and fast. These are unpretentious plants that grow well at a temperature of 18 degrees, all they need is enough light. The height of the greenery is small and this is also a significant advantage, because it can be grown as you like. From only one square meter, about two kilograms of greens are obtained per cut.

If you think that growing greens is not a serious activity, then you can grow vegetables for the New Year. You can also make good money from vegetables, especially if you choose the right time. Plus, you can grow several crops in a greenhouse, the main thing is to divide them correctly and create the right microclimate.

You can start by growing radishes and Chinese cabbage, they do not require much care, do not suffer from various diseases and can be stored for a long time (at the right temperatures).

Cucumbers also grow quite quickly, two months after sowing, you can already harvest the first crop, but they take up quite a lot of space in the greenhouse and require special care, the same situation is with tomatoes, yes, they are sold at a high price, but they also invest a lot in them. On top of that, tomatoes grow slowly, and you can harvest just over two crops a year.

Experienced summer residents do not like to tinker with cucumbers and call them capricious, as they can germinate at temperatures as low as 18 degrees, but the ideal temperature for them is 36 degrees. In cold weather, when it’s freezing outside, it will be extremely difficult to achieve such high temperatures. But if you decide to plant tomatoes, it is better to choose cocktail or cherry tomatoes, they are more readily bought, plus they are more expensive.
In addition to vegetables and herbs for sale, you can grow seedlings, which is a very interesting process. Of course, here, as in any other area, there are a lot of competitors, but you can easily find customers, because all gardeners and greenhouse owners need good seedlings, choose rare varieties.

However, you should be prepared for the fact that seedlings are difficult, time-consuming, and tiring. First, you need to find high-quality and healthy seeds, then they need to be hardened and selected. After that, you can start growing sprouts, dividing them, and transplanting them. Seedlings require a specific, precise microclimate and lighting. It is very easy to make a mistake, and then you simply will not have time to grow seedlings again.

Finding seeds. It would seem that it is easy to find good seeds, but it is really very difficult. The market is full of cheap and expensive, but low-quality seeds, which end up producing poor seedlings. The main thing in this case is to find good and trusted suppliers.

Soil. Another common mistake among beginners is to take soil directly from their garden or buy it in bags at garden centers. If you take ordinary home soil, then all the weeds and pests that have been waiting for a pleasant moment will find themselves in an ideal environment and begin to develop. In the second case, there is a 90% chance that your seedlings will simply burn out. Do not forget that the right soil is already the key to success, and each crop requires a unique composition.